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Product details

File Size: 148912 KB

Print Length: 176 pages

Publisher: Icon Books Ltd (June 18, 2015)

Publication Date: June 18, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#20,781 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Philosophy has always fascinated me and over the years I have taken numerous philosophy courses and read countless books on this subject. My favorite ancient philosopher is Aristotle. I have read several graphic guide books lately and I purchased this volume (Introducing Aristotle: a graphic guide by Rupert Woodfin and Judy Groves) at a bargain price on Amazon.This 176 page paperback is surprisingly detailed on Aristotle’s life and his various approaches to philosophical issues. This excellent book covers the early education of Aristotle, his joining Plato’s school and how his ideas were different than Plato. He is probably most famous for being Alexander the great’s teacher. His brilliant mind explored a wide range of topics and is often credited with discoveries in literature, poetry, metaphysics, logic, mathematics and science. He turned out to not always be right when it came to many scientific issues; nevertheless, his contribution to knowledge is recognized in spite of the fact most of his writings have been lost to time. Where Plato's views bordered on the mystical and the elitist politically, Aristotle's philosophy emphasized reason, logic and individualism. If you are seeking a concise but also detailed basic overview of the great philosopher Aristotle you might want to get a copy of this illustrated guide.Rating: 5 Stars. Joseph J. Truncale (Author: Never trust a politician: A critical review of politics and politicians).

It's important to understand that the Introducing series is in the business not of teaching you the entirety of any given subject, but merely introducing you to it. This, as with many other titles in the series, gives you a very quick summary of the movement and its history and touches on many of the significant branches. Believe me, you can always go deeper, and really one ought to if one desires anything close to an actual understanding of the subjects the people at Totem Books purport to introduce.What I find is that these books in general, and this title specifically, prepares your for deeper reading by giving you the gist of things, and thus allows you to engage other texts with greater sustain and keener acumen. There are other series of course, Cambridge has their wonderful, if frequently denser, Companion series, and Paul Strathern has made his career giving a similar gist in 90 minutes. I would say that the people at Totem have hit the so-called sweet spot with these though. Strathern is too often concerned with biographical detail for my tastes, and spends less time with the ideas themselves (though of course the life of a thinker is important to understanding them. Cambridge has wonderful guides, but even these may be a tad much for someone merely seeking to dip their toe in and take a look around. This is why I recommend this series.The graphic approach hopefully renders these concepts more accessible to a wider audience, and can indeed make what are often thought of as dull subjects, quite entertaining.

I have a number of these books. They're very good to read when I can't pay attention to an actual book.Unfortunately the publisher is not applying much quality control as you can see from the books binding in the photo. Also you will see that the illustrations are not very good, almost embarrassing when I notice others peering over my shoulder :-) Fortunately the illustrator for this book is not the illustrator for other books in this series. I gave it three stars because the information sans illustration is actually interesting.

It's what I was looking for

This graphic novel series is wonderfully done. Great for adults who just want a refresher or a great way to get kids interested in these usually profound subjects.

The book is only about 4 inches square. The type is small and everything is crammed on the page compared to the previews I saw. I would not recommend this series to anyone. I purchase four different ones for my wife to use as an alternative in class but it is useless for even that.

Let me begin by saying that this book is far from an in-depth examination of Aristotle. It is, rather, a very elementary introduction to the philosopher and his philosophy. I rejected the idea of buying the book many times, because of it's approach; there are illustrations in pictographic form on every page. It is almost like the old "Classics Illustrated" comic books. I resented the facile approach to profound philosophy. However, the paucity of elementary introductions to Aristotle drove me to relent, and I bought it. The book is exactly what it claims to be...an introduction to Aristotle. In simple, non-philosophical language it gives an elementary introduction to the great philosopher. If you have become exasperated (as I had) at the unavailability of basic intro's to Aristotle, buy the book. Since reading the book, I have undertaken more challenging books about Aristotle, because this one gave me the elements I needed to move forward.

This is a good, basic review of Aristotle's basic premises and his historical effect and value. I would recommend it to anyone who was looking for an easy way to start understanding Aristotle.





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